The Ditch Kids Initiative is a summer program created by Skinny Water Culture to get kids active and help make the world a better place.
Members of the Skinny Water Culture Collective will reach out every week via Instagram for eight weeks. They will call on kids under 18 to complete a set of tasks. Kids must register through the SWC blog, once registered, they will have to complete 7 out of the 10 tasks assigned by collective members.
The tasks are easy, small things that help make the world a nicer place to live, for example just picking up trash or helping a neighbor. The kids post proof of completion on Instagram and tag that weeks members (week one is SWC and 13 Fishing) as well as #SWCditchkids.
By completing these tasks you can win exclusive gear that SWC is creating just for this event! Also member sponsors may even throw in a special prize of their own!
Definitely spread the word and tell a kid you know! More information is located on the Skinny Water Culture blog (link below) and at their Instagram.
To read more about SWC, check out my blog here.
Check it out and get some kids involved in the ditch kids initiative today!
Until next time, Tight Lines.