Taking a break from my normal routine of fly fishing, doing fly tying videos etc., I wanted to take the time to show all of you who may not be well versed in all forms of angling a basic yet important skill that every angler should have at their disposal. How to throw a bait (cast) net.
Throwing a bait or cast net is a basic skill that saves both a lot of money and a lot of headaches in the long run… that is if you know how to do it right. Being able to catch your own bait on the spot will help you to “match the hatch”. This is the most important part, the bait that’s there (where you’re fishing) is what the fish are eating and will increase your chances of catching a fish.
Chances are that if you walk into a baitshop on any given day, they’ll have bait, but it may not be exactly what you’re looking for. Shrimp a plenty. Creek chubs galore. Frozen baits. But where are the nice pilchards or fat mullet or quarter sized grunts? With the ability to catch your own bait, you’ll have the answer to that question; in your baitwell.
In this video Jarek demonstrates how to throw a cast net.
NOTE**: Speckled trout were mixed in with croakers and pilchards we were trying to catch. All gamefish were safely released .
Hope you enjoyed this video and learned a bit.
Finally, if you enjoyed this video, then check out other posts such as “Summer of the Shark” and “A Summer Plenty”.
Until next time, Tight Lines.