Here’s a few pictures and videos that just didn’t make it into my other posts. Odds and ends in other words. If you want to experience this, visit Bud N’ Mary’s.
Permit release
When the squad is hooked up with blackfin tunas.
Jarek throwing the 12 wt. like it’s nothing
Will whipping the 12 wt.
Fat nurse daddy
One of the many cudas from the lagoon behind our resort. This guy ate a shrimp pattern fly.
Our view for a week
Cudas, mangos and others
Just another dive video. It’s long but yeah whatever.
To read the blog posts regarding the experiences in the trip, check these out:
Our Keys trip was nothing short of amazing. We did everything we wanted to do. We caught the fish we wanted, in the ways we wanted to, we went to Key West for a night, saw some amazingly cool stuff, casted at bonefish right off the beach, ate well and enjoyed the entire keys experience.
These odds and ends certainly bear witness to that.
Until next time, Tight Lines.