It’s been quite a while since I had the opportunity to write. I’ve been very busy with school and hockey and finally I have time to share my opinion on something. It’s basically one of the coolest things that I’ve come across in a while. It’s called Geobass.
Geobass is a video series produced by Costa Del Mar and Motiv Fishing. It stars Brian Jill, Jay Johnson, Chris Owens and Thad Robinson. They travel the world searching for the biggest bass they can find. As if going to foreign countries and having little supplies and direction, thus having to “run and gun” to figure things out so to speak isn’t a big enough challenge, they are exclusively fly fisherman. Fly fishing, probably the worst way to go about catching a bass.
To hear more about fly fishing check out one of my first posts, “Fly Dudes do Fly Things”.
They have pulled off some pretty impressive feats from Mexico to Colombia, Botswana and Papua New Guinea. They have caught literally the largest bass that I have ever seen. In the latest episode – the first episode of Season 2 Brian Jill catches an 18 pound butterfly peacock bass. I have fished for peacock bass in the canals of Miami and know how challenging it can be. An 18 pounder is unbelievable to me, particularly on a fly rod.
Every episode is a new adventure to another corner of the world. Each episode runs about 15-20 minutes and can be found on YouTube on Costa Del Mar’s channel.
If you haven’t seen Geobass, check it out! Even if you don’t like fishing it’s always a wildly entertaining look into worlds far away and animals that you may have never even known existed.
I do not currently, nor at any time have worked for Costa Del Mar or Motiv Fishing. Neither Brian Jill, Thad Robinson, Jay Johnson nor Chris Owens played any part in this production. No one has paid me to produce this work. This is merely one fisherman’s opinion.
Until next time, Tight Lines.